Mengele’s Skull, 2012. Thomas Keenan and Eyal Weizman. Courtesy of the artists and Richard Helmer & Maja Helmer
Nome Gallery // Evidentiary Realism
2nd December 2017 – 17th February 2018
After New York it is time to Berlin to receive the group show “Evidentiary Realism”, which features works from Sadie Barnette, Josh Begley, James Bridle, Ingrid Burrington, Harun Farocki, Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Hans Haacke, Khaled Hafez, Jenny Holzer, Mark Lombardi, Kirsten Stolle and Thomas Keenan & Eyal Weizman. Reflecting geopolitics post-9/11 and another contemporary topics, such as economic inequalities, civil rights, and environmental disasters, the exhibition explores the notion of evidence and its modes of representation. Photography, film, drawing, painting, and sculpture are the tools used by the artists to translate documents and their own investigation into art pieces. The show is curated by Paolo Cirio.
Nome Gallery: Glogauer str. 17, 10999 Berlin
Schwules Museum // Queer City: Stories from São Paulo
until 8th January 2018
São Paulo, the largest city in South America with more than 21 million inhabitants, has also one of the most important queer communities of the world. As Brazil itself, this community is diverse regarding social backgrounds, more so than most queer communities in Europe or North America. But how are they affect by racism? How free are they? And even what kind of possibilities do they have, especially now, when the country is struggling under a conservative wave, which censured exhibitions about queer art and misunderstands art performances? To investigate the LGBT movement in Brazil is exactly the goal of “Queer City: Stories from São Paulo”. The start point is the film “Queer City”, in which 16 LGBT positions are presented by 16 LGBT Brazilians explaining their views. The documentary is an initiative from a collective that carries the same name, begun by Lanchonete.org in 2015. This exhibition results of an invitation of the German Foreign Ministry that flew Schwules Museum to Brazil. It is curated by José Gabriel Navarro, Todd Lanier Lester/Raphael Daibert (from Lanchonete.org), and Dr. Kevin Clarke.
Schwules Museum: Lützowstraße 73, 10785 Berlin
Kehrer Galerie // Motherland
25th November 2017 – 3rd February 2018
It is the second time that the Russian photographer Danila Tkachenko presents her work at Kehrer Galerie, in Berlin. Now it is showcased the impressive “Motherland”, which also revisited the history of Soviet Union. Between 1928 and 1937 a large proportion of farmers abandoned their lands in order to be integrated into large-scale socialist enterprises. Tkachenko pictures shows fire images from these abandoned places – it is estimated that there are more than 150.000 empty villages in Russia today. The photos contrast hope of a better life and failed utopias. It is a metaphor, as if the photographer could burn the past and then open space for a bright future. Deep think and a good opportunity for reflection before start a new year, right? Be pay attention: the gallery will be closed between December 23rd and January 9th 2018.
Kehrer Galerie: Potsdamer Straße 100, 10785 Berlin
KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art // Contemporary Ruins
22nd October 2017 – 11th February 2018
With works from Dorothee Albrecht, Morehshin Allahyari, Francis Alÿs, Katya Gardea Browne, Clemens Botho Goldbach, Arata Isozaki, Gordon Matta-Clark, Ryuji Miyamoto, Marike Schuurman, Manit Sriwanichpoom, KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art current exhibition addresses “ruins” as indicators of political, economic, or ecological processes. From Maya civilization to Islamic State destruction passing through damaged industrial buildings, the art pieces challenge and stimulate the visitor to speculate how aesthetics in the future would look like. Kind of a Blade Runner effect. This show is curated by Julia Höner and Ludwig Seyfarth and it is a cooperation of KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf and KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art.
Kindl – Centre for Contemporary Art: Am Sudhaus 3, 12053 Berlin
knust x kunz // Meeting Place
17th November 2017 – 20th January 2018
In Munich, the Israeli artist Noa Yekutieli presents a part of her ongoing project “Mountains of Narratives”, started in 2015. “Meeting Place’”, this new series of collages, also explores the cultural history of different places, alongside her personal history. In this case, Israel, Austria, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Germany, China and the USA were Yekutieli researched fields. Her paper-cutting technique and mixed elements from all these different cultures produce strong images and play with the perceptions of objectivity of documentation and subjectivity of personal experience.
knust x kunz: Theresienstraße 48, 80333 München
Author: Maíra Goldschmidt