- Kantsak-by-Mauricio-Cervantes-initiator-of-the-Art-Garden-together-with-Entrempo-Art-Kitchen
- Entrempo Art Garden space
- Emeka Ogbho – Music Fesitval
- Phantom Orchard – Music Festival
Festival / Festival of Experimental Music and Sound Art in Berlin
Until Sunday 14th September
The saying that all good things come in small packages is especially true of the upcoming Festival of Experimental Music and Sound Art in Berlin, which will explore the term ‘micro’ in all of its multiple meanings. Featuring musicians from across the globe the festival will encompass performances, concerts and installations with a focus on the micro-cosmos – compositional micro-zones, micro-resonances and of course, most importantly the beloved microphone.
Villa Elisabeth & St. Elisabeth-Kirche // Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin (among other venues)
Vernissage / Eugenio Dittborn at KOW
Friday 12th September – 6 until 9pm
After a long postal exchange in which KOW received almost 50 letters from Santiago de Chile, the preparation for the first European Gallery solo show of Chilean artist Eugenio Dittborn is complete. Including 12 works the artist created between 1984 and the present year, the show will include paintings, silkscreen prints and textile collages, each on 32 square foot panels of cotton, felt or other foldable materials. Following the opening there will also be a party at neighbouring KIM bar, celebrating KOW’s fifth anniversary.
KOW // Brunnenstr. 9, 10119 Berlin
Vernissage / Anne Duk Hee Jordan at cubus-m
Friday 12th September – 7pm
Viewing art work in a gallery space it’s sometimes easy to forget all of the ‘before’ process. A lot of the time what we see is a nicely polished, finished version of a work, the actual process of creating the work is omitted. In her upcoming solo show ‘OF Bodies chang’d to various forms, I sing…‘ Berlin based artist Anne Duk Hee Jordan aims to shed light on this process through the presentation of up to 15 works. Curator Pauline Doutreluingne likens viewing Anne Duk Hee Jordan’s work to a ‘Wunderkammer’, explaining “Jordans work is like an interactive fantasy play with the knowledge and theories about the world and our souls. Wherever there is no accurate knowledge, fantasy runs riot.”
Galerie cubus-m // Pohlstraße 75, 10785 Berlin
Vernissage / Opening of Entrempo’s Art Garden
Saturday 13th September – 10am until approx 4pm
Berlin is no stranger to unusual art spaces, so the opening of Entrempo’s Art Garden at an abandoned cemetery this weekend is unlikely to raise many eyebrows. Taking advantage of some of the 300 hectares of un or disused burial ground in Berlin’s inner city, Entrempo Kitchen Gallery will revive one site with the work of over ten international artists this Saturday. Opening at 10am the artists and the Entrempo Kitchen will explain their concepts at 11am, followed by soup serving at 1pm and performances at half hour intervals from 2 until 3:30pm.
Cemetery St. Georgen Parochial I // Prenzlauer Allee 6, Berlin (entrance at Heinrich-Roller-Str. 18)