- Guido van der Werve Nummer dertien, Effugio B: portrait of the artist as a mountaineer , 2011 Two framed digital c-prints; one framed text C-Print: (58.1 X 44.13 cm)
- Elisabeth Vernissage
- Grabowsee finissage
- Grabowsee views
- Grabowsee lake
- Kiez Oper The Fairy Queen
Vernissage / Showroom von Vice Versa: Guido van der Werve
Thursday 21st August – 7pm
There are some people in this life who are not content with doing things by halves. There are also those for whom the whole doesn’t cut it either, and as a result are always pushing themselves to extremes. Although this could be true of many artists, not many push themselves physically as harshly as Dutch idea artist Guido van der Werve, whose oeuvre combines his two great passions of sport and music. This autumn the artist invites his fans to accompany him on a 32 mile run to Sergey Rachmainoff’s grave at Valhalla, New York, but before this he will present images and video work from previous project ‘Effuzgio C: van der Werve runs two and a half marathon around his holiday house’ in Berlin at the Vice Versa showroom. Now that’s what I call running.
Finissage / Grabowsee Finissage Party, Oranienburg
Friday 22nd August – 6pm
Feel like being a little more adventurous in your art show endeavours this weekend? Then make a train ride to Grabowsee in Oranienburg for the finissage of Countdown Grabowsee, a summer art project featuring work by a collection of international artists. Originally used as a tuberculosis sanctuary in the first half of the 20th century, Grabowsee is a truly unique venue, an abandoned hospital which is slowly being turned into a growing art village. This weekend its doors will open with a number of multidisciplinary performances, workshops and mixed media pieces on display, giving the public a chance to see what goes on at this remote art haven. Not only is there a chance to visit but also camp out at the venue this weekend, for more information click here.
Heilstätte Grabowsee // Malzer Weg, 16515 Oranienburg
Opera / Kiez Oper presents The Fairy Queen
Saturday 23rd August – Doors open 6pm
After a ten month hiatus Kiez Oper are going back to their roots with a performance at their first ever kiez venue – club favourite Renate. This weekend’s production ’The Fairy Queen’ will be a modern day take on the classic by Purcell, which is known to be an adaption of Shakespeare’s wedding comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Despite being over 300 years old the tale of magic, lust, mythical creatures and jealousy is still sure to bewitch audiences, and Renate will open its doors after each performance as the perfect setting for your own summer night fantasy.
Salon – Zur wilden Renate // Alt-Stralau 70, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Vernissage / Bilder, die wir behalten / Elisabeth
Saturday 23rd August – From 6 until 10pm
While being occasionally nostalgic is one thing, living in the past is quite another. How we view our pasts can definitely impede our present or our future, should we choose to let them, memories wielding the potential to hold on to us far longer than they should. What we do with memory and its objects is the question presented to six artists in upcoming show ‘Bilder, die air behalten/Elisabeth’ (or ‘Images that we keep / Elisabeth’). Despite six idiosyncratic view points on memory the exhibition will not remain abstract, each of the artist’s work relating to a real biographical, personal archive – that of Elisabeth, the curator’s grandmother. View the way in which each artist preserves memories of the same person, a kaleidoscopic take on one woman’s life.
Neue Berliner Räume // Lützowstrasse 70, 10785 Berlin Berlin