
d14 Kassel – Athens
When documenta opened in Kassel the world’s most important show on contemporary art was already far down the track. With its 14th edition in 2017, the exhibition, which has the image of being an institution in the art world, chose to expand to second hosting city: Athens. For those who haven’t followed documenta for ages, the art show has presented international spearhead art exceptional in the city of Kassel every five years since inception in 1955. Therefore, it’s quite a thing for the exhibition to unexpectedly double in size with the addition of an equal sister host city. Follow our contributor Valeria Geritzen into the depths of documenta.

Toelke und Viron Erol Vert´s „Born in the Purple“
Bei dem offiziellen Pressetext von „Born in the Purple“ droht ein narkoleptischer Anfall findet der Autor und Journalist Andreas Toelke. Die ausgestellten Arbeiten selbst, sieht er dennoch als einen der positivesten aller Kunst-Overkills in der letzen Zeit!
Das interdisziplinäre Ausstellungsprojekt des in Berlin und Istanbul lebenden Künstlers Viron Erol Vert im Kunstraum Bethanien läuft noch bis Ende August. Wer also noch nicht dort war, sollte sich auf jeden Fall auf den Weg zum Mariannenplatz machen.

Though half the city might be away on holiday and most art galleries are also on summer break, there are of course still plenty of scrumptious things to see for the insatiable Berliner art-caterpillar. Thank awesomeness that ARTBerlin is here to serve you the delicacies of this month before we muscle up for Berlin Art Week in September!

Ebensperger´s Centre of the World
Die Affinität zum O-Ton „Seltsamen“ ist nicht nur der vielbeschworene Rote Faden der sich durch das Ausstellungsprogramm der Galerie Ebensperger zieht, es ist auch die betont lässige Attitüde von Patrick Ebensperger und Sebastian Hoffmann die sie auf recht angenehme Weise von so manch hochtrabenden Galerie Kollegen unterscheidet.
Umso mehr Grund für uns die beiden in Österreich zu besuchen, wo sie heute, am 23. Juli, ihre neue Dependance mit der Groupshow „Centre of the World“ – in ja genau, Salzburg,
wo sonst, eröffnen!

Plenty of art to go see this month in Berlin, so pack your umbrella and wellies, or escape the flood and get a ticket to idyllic Bad Gastein in Austria!

Project space Cafuné
Due to our Brazilian month we want to introduce you to a new temporary project space in Neukölln called Cafuné. The two heads behind it come from, you maybe guessed, Brazil, and their approach is dedicated to the experimentation and development of contemporary dialogues between the northern and southern hemispheres. On top they have an amazing programme planned for 48 Stunden Neukölln, so we thought it an ideal time for a quick chat with Ingrid & Olav before the weekend kicks off!

We’re back with the trusted ARTBerlin exhibition highlights for this month, including the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, our Brazilian month and the Schinkel Pavillon.
Let us take you on a virtual tour of our exclusive art event calendar…

Non-Binary Portraits
Our friends from Curated by GIRLS will present an exhibition featuring works by Canadian artist Laurence Philomène, at coGalleries. The opening will be this friday, 19th of may and the show will focus on the photographer’s “Non- Binary Portraits” series.
Their aim is to dedicate the show to a diversity of trans & non-binary individuals who are usually under-represented in mainstream media.
An aim we wholeheartedly support!

documenta 14 Athens #d14
Documenta in der griechischen Hauptstadt, Kunst am Kulturort. Neben vielen anderen Performances, haben wir am Kotzia Square an der des pakistanisches Künstlers Rasheed Araeen teilgenommen. Menschen wurden zum Mittelpunkt einer intimen Kommunikation; auch wir. Der Ansatz ‚Food for Thought: Thought for Change‘ funktionierte. Fazit für uns, wir lernten von Athen und vor allem von den Athenern.
Die Essenz dieser Performance, das war für uns die documenta in Athen.

Following our unofficial Gallery Weekend Guide, and the tips by author David Baum, we bring you the ultimate exit Gallery Weekend groupshow curated by Nicholas Huffstutter and hosted by the infamous Hans Peter Kögeböhn aka HP aka ex-kinzo! But it wouldn´t be complete without the element of music with these guys, so it comes to no surprise that Julija Goyd’s videos for 2raumwohnung, and the remixes by Dj Koze, Ricardo Villalobos, and Chi Thanh will be presented as „cherry on the top element“ of the exhibition!
Wedding here we come!