
Guglielmo Castelli at Künstlerhaus Bethanien
As you might know, ARTBerlin has a thing for paintings! So we were fortunate to meet Italian artist Guglielmo Castelli, whose works – and especially the characters in them – carried our minds off to darker, but also more poetical dimensions. We talked with Guglielmo about how studying theatrical scenography influenced him, his inspiration, transgressing the rules and also how his time in Berlin affected on his works.

The Female Gaze – on Body, Love and Sex: EGLÉ OTTO
Im Rahmen der von Isabelle Meiffert kuratierten Ausstellung The Female Gaze – On Body, Love, and Sex, stellen wir Euch wöchtentlich eine der Künstlerinnen vor. Das Berliner Spin-Off der Ausstellung, The Female Gaze – On Body, Love, and Sex II – zeigt neue Arbeiten und hat einen leicht veränderten Fokus. Die Ausstellung ist noch bis zum 17. Juni, in der Studiogalerie vom Haus am Lützowplatz zu sehen. Heute stellen wir Euch Eglé Otto vor!

New York City Top 5 Exhibitions in May
New York loves Berlin and Berlin loves New York, so we are happy to share with you a monthly insight and guide into New York´s jungle of exhibitions and Museum Shows. For those who travel to the Big Apple and the ones who just love art and seek inspiration alike. The sheer abundance of art in New York, Berlin and all over the world, can be a bit overwhelming. But most importantly it is a constant reminder of how art is the manifestation and expression of the human spirit and a necessity for a free society. The American novelist and author of „Fahrenheit 451“ Ray Bradbury said once: “We need our Arts to teach us how to breathe” – so we hope you enjoy this additional portion of oxygen!

Top 5 Exhibitions May 2018
From future or in future? Time and it´s changing nature will be your companion through spring, alongside a mix of photography, sculpture and installation to keep your perception satisfied. Talking about time, the open-air season has started with full force. Have fun!

Seungmo Park and the psychic power of his works
Seungmo Parks first solo exhibition in Berlin at MagicBeans Gallery shows a complete universe of his works, layers and concepts. The title “Be Beware of the Seductive Traps of Spiritual and Psychic Power Seungmo Park” can be taken literally. We met the Korean artist yesterday during the last finishing touches and dived into his genuinely seductive works. Join us for an exclusive preview of the opening tonight!

Yoram Roth im Gespräch mit ARTBerlin
Fotografisch anspruchsvoll und extrem spannend wird es in der CWC Galerie, wenn Yoram Roth ab dem 28.4.2018, pünktlich zum Gallery Weekend, seine neue Serie Spatial Concepts präsentiert!

Gallery Weekend
Gallery Weekend 2018 – Insider Guide by Tanja Siren
Pre Gallery Weekend Overkill? Especially for all expats, guests and English speaking readers we have this beautiful Day to Day Guide from the east in Weissensee to St. Agnes in the west, with this year’s Insider Tips by the Finnish and Berlin-based photographer and author Tanja Siren! She picked out something special for each day, starting Wednesday until Sunday, so you can chill out and let yourself float through the wonders and spectacles of this year’s Gallery Weekend!

LIU BOLIN’s Camouflage Arbeiten für RUINART
Interview mit dem Künstler Liu Bolin zu seinen acht Camouflage-Arbeiten in Kooperation mit Ruinart zum Gallery Weekend 2018.

REVENANT. Djuneid Dulloo at Charisschwarz
When Charis Schwarz met Djuneid Dulloo, they entered immediately into an intense conversation about his paintings, choice of colours, places, different cultures, space and architecture. It sounds like they both had a lot in common, especially the concept of the remix. Chariss rooms are deliberately not a traditional gallery space and were, therefore, harmonising beautifully with Dulloo´s Collage technique and his self-conscious arch between his childhood, past and the present, as a young artist. The works she selected explicitly in his atelier are focusing on the light/dark system of her space and create a stimulating overlapping of the different described elements above.

Diesen Freitag eröffnet im Kunsthaus Erfurt die Gruppenausstellung The Female Gaze – On Body, Love, and Sex. Die Kuratorin Isabelle Meiffert bringt zehn international arbeitende Künstlerinnen zusammen, die einen eigenständigen Blick auf die Frau, auf Körper und auf Sexualität formulieren. Wir sind sehr gespannt auf die Ausstellung in Erfurt und für alle, die es nicht in die schöne Domstadt schaffen: am 4. Mai eröffnet in der Studiogalerie vom Haus am Lützowplatz der Berliner Teil der Ausstellung. Wir möchten noch nicht zu viel verraten, teasern Euch aber gerne die teilnehmenden Künstlerinnen nebst ihren wunderbaren Arbeiten an: