Platoon shows a dancer with a deep soul – Wooguru


Platoon shows a dancer with a deep soul – Wooguru

PERFORMANCE TIPP: Morgen Abend (16.3.) um 20 Uhr tanzt Wooguru im PLATOON: Ein Tänzer bis in die letzte Konsequenz. Wir haben uns mit ihm über Seoul, seine Seele und Tanzen auf Metall unterhalten.

platoon berlin


Wooguru war für zwei Monate mein Untermieter, bevor er hier in Berlin einen Platz gefunden hat, den er auch als Studio nutzen kann. Denn Wooguru trainiert täglich und ständig. Tanzen tut er auf Metallplatten, das geht natürlich nur in entsprechender Umgebung. Nichtsdestrotrotz hab ich ihn, wann immer ich ihn draußen zufällig getroffen, immer nur rennend gesehen, Jeden Weg legt er im Dauerlauf zurück, auch bei Minus 10 Grad..oder er übte in seinem Zimmer schwitzend Spagat. Zum Frühstück hat er Fleisch gegessen. 

Platoon Berlin: Wooguru

Fasziniert von diesem inneren Drang sich in freier Bewegung  auszudrücken, die ihre kontinuierliche Fortsetzung im Alltag nimmt, will ich mehr über ihn erfahren.

Und so treffe ich Wooguru eine Woche vor seiner Performance im dritten „Salon Revolutionär“ im PLATOON. 


You grew up in South Korea where and what was it like?

I was born in Seoul and lived there most of my life. 
But it’s so hard for me to talk about Seoul as it seems that my memory is fading away.
 But as my dance is an absolute reflection about myself, it might represent my Seoul. 
Whatever you feel from my dance, that’s exactly what i felt in Seoul.

When did you decide to become a dancer and how did you start?

I was a designer and I studied clothing and textile in university. I really liked to do this but there came this day, when I realized that I wanted to express my true myself without any materials. 
So I began to dance on the street. This was in the winter of 2007.

Are there persons, art or anything else that inspired your work?

Oh yes: Jimi Hendrix, Dulkukwha, Rage Against The Machine, Nirvana, Rothko, Egon Schiele, Wols, Korn, Sepultura, Deftones,
 Sound Garden, Lee Sang Eun, Kwak Nam Sin and my parents  

Tell us about your approach, and your kind of dance, idea behind it?

I do not dance for my emotions 
because dance is no longer a sort of tool for me.
 Dancing is my being itself. 
I just do what I have to do and this is dancing. 
So I constantly discipline myself by my own way to dance.
Therefore what I want to express is always only one thing: 
the strong will to the complete immersion for my being, this is my dance.

Platoon Berlin: Wooguru

So, where and when can we see you dancing soon?

At March 16th I perform in Platoon Berlin’s ’salon revolutionär‘ – which is Platoon’s program that brings art and tech so i am now collaborating for this with Arai Tatsuru (composer and media artist), Elisa Pluto (dancer), Xenia Romashova (opera singer) and you can find some information about my performance on facebook of course. I actually trying to get more chances to perform in Berlin this year.

Speaking of Berlin: how do you perceive the city and does it has any influence on your dancing?

Berlin is the best place for experimental artists like me in every respect and it is good for my creation. I like a kind of urban texture. beton, cement, metal, plastic something like that and those things makes me concentrate better on my works and move forward into the right direction.


SALON REVOLUTIONÄR Volume 3: Performance March 16th, 8 pm, entrance: 8 €
BERLIN · SALON REVOLUTIONÄR is a vibrant and surprising series of performances, combining elements of modern dance, media arts, music, projection mapping and role playing games into a single event.
For more infos please see PLATOON SALON REVOLUTIONÄR

Interview: Esther Harrison