- nGbK – FranzKa Schuster; Jannik Franzen Dolphin Dysphoria, 2014
- nGbK – Eshan Rafi – Copyright Eshan Rafir
- nGbK – Ozgur Erkok Moroder ‚Self Scratches‘ 2012
- Entrempo Kitchen Gallery
- “Food Way” by Tainá Guedes.j – Entrempo Kitchen Gallery
- Tiki Tiki Charles; Ray Exhibition
- Montpelier by Ncube
Exhibition / nGbK ‚What is queer today is not queer tomorrow‘
Thursday 19th June – Film screenings at 8pm & 10pm
‚Queer‘ – once a word to describe someone or something as strange, odd, abnormal or unconventional, ‚queer‘ now has many social connotations. In their latest show ‚What is queer today is not queer tomorrow‘, nGbK address exactly what it means to be labelled as queer, focussing on the related topics of community, identity, visibility and sex. Following its opening last week the exhibition will run for two months and feature ongoing events developing this discourse. On Thursday there will be a night of (free) short films by a collection of international filmmakers in the nGbK hof, so don’t miss out.
nGbK // Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Opening event / Entrempo Kitchen Gallery
Thursday 19th June -7pm
There are few things we enjoy as much as art and food, so you can imagine our excitement when we heard about interdisciplinary art space Entrempo Kitchen Gallery opening its doors this Thursday. The opening evening will present a show embodying the space’s ‚eat art‘ philosophy, including multimedia art work from four different international artists including a performance entitled ‚Frankenfood‘. The only downside? A €10 cover charge. To make sure you can grab a spot RSVP to hello@entretempo-kitchen-gallery.com
Entrempo Kitchen Gallery // Senerfelderstraße 29, 10437 Berlin
Vernissage / Böhmen ‘Tiki-Tiki Charles & Ray’
Friday 20th June – 6pm
If you’re bored by some of the important yet slightly predictable themes presented in contemporary exhibitions then ‚Tiki-Tiki Charles & Ray‘ could be just the antidote. An exhibition created by Berlin-based sculptor Christin Kaiser and Hamburg-based painter Lars Hinrichs, the show will focus on Tiki mythology, exploring how it has influenced 20th century design with the likes of American designers such as Charles and Ray Eames.
Böhmen // Torstraße 230, 10115 Berlin
Play / Montepelier by Ncube
Wednesday 25th June – 7pm
This weekend we give you the extra special gift of a recommendation for early next week, a time usually reserved for back to work blues and the brief return to reality. Escape once more with this wonderful play by emerging director Ncube, a ‚breezy dark comedy‘ entitled Montpelier which traces the stormy separation of Ella and Duke to a ’scathing‘ violin soundtrack. A 1950s inspired play with a live jazz soundtrack? We’ll take that over WM any day, thanks.
Geist im Glas // Lenaustraße 27, 12047 Berlin